
Red Hot Coffee Station

This is a bit of a random and quick post. It might not come as a surprise to you that I work as an office manager. I’m responsible for making sure that everything  that is office related runs smoothly. 

We recently moved into new premises. We went from an old, dingy, small, low-ceiling office to a new, bright, airy, very high ceilinged one.  We also have a super duper modern and cool red kitchen! When the time came to get this lovely kitchen equipped, I made sure that things like tea-towels and mugs were colour co-ordinated. Of course! Is there any other way of doing it? ;o) (I have to admit, I have a very nice boss who gives me quite a lot of freedom to get things done and organized to my liking.)

So, after having given you a little bit of context, what I’d like to show you today is the coffee station I have set-up for the enjoyment of my colleagues, visitors and myself.

We have a kettle and a Nesspresso coffee machine (I know! How cool is that! Nesspresso at work?!) so I had to make sure all capsules, tea bags, sugar, cups etc. were close to the machines. Worktop space is quite limited so I put everything in the cupboard above them.  When looking for containers for these items I kept two things in mind: practicality and avoiding office conflicts. If there is something that I dislike in work kitchens are sugar bowls and the people who use wet spoons in them, hence I went the sugar sachet route and candy jars to store everything. These jars are the main reason for this post. I think they are perfect for coffee stations and the best thing is, they only cost £1.50 each at Tesco!  (Poundland and Home Bargains might sell them for even less). I’ve been using these beauties at home for a while now  for storing dishwasher tablets and washing machine capsules. Very handy! 

Sorry for making a lengthy post out of some candy jars but I wanted to share them with you. If I could only give you some sweeties for reading this far! :o)

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© life in eightMaira Gall