
Medicine Basket

It's Sunday night and I wouldn't normally say this but I'm glad this weekend is coming to an end. Mr. Hubby is that kind of guy who never has a headache or temperature or anything like that but since Thursday, he has been having it all. I'm not used to seeing my otherwise happy, fun, impish, cheeky husband; achy, with fever and lying in bed. It has made me realise how much I take for granted having such a healthy other half and how responsible we are for each other and how lucky we are to have each other.

But the point of this post is to show you the way I found to deal with transporting all the medicines, thermometer and little notepad around the house. At the beginning of this very, very long weekend, I was carrying everything in my hands or having to go back and forth if something was missing. A day later I thought that I needed to find a solution, a container to put everything in, ideally with some kind of handle to make it easy to carry. So I remembered this little basket that was sitting in the garage that I got some time ago from a flower arrangement.  So it was then and there when my "Medicine Basket" was born:

Everything we needed was there: tablets, cough medicine, nasal spray, thermometer and a notepad to keep track of temperature, drugs, quantities and times when he was taking them.

I've also got every dose time set-up in my mobile phone calendar so he wouldn't miss any of them.

I won't be putting the basket away just yet.  With Christmas around the corner, it's best to be prepared on the off chance that someone gets a little poorly.  I wouldn't want to be frantically looking for medicine on Christmas Eve!  I'll be re-stocking the basket and keeping it to hand, just in case...

So, these are the pictures that summarised my weekend. I'm looking forward to the next one when it will be all about getting everything ready for Christmas. Hopefully I won't be the next one carrying the basket in the following days (cough, cough) :O)

Gaby X


  1. What a clever idea! I will have to do that next time my little man is sicky.

  2. This is a great idea! Anything that helps to make life easier when taking care of a sick person is helpful.

    (Just catching up with your blog now...can you tell?) ;)


© life in eightMaira Gall