
Home Office: Reveal Time!

I'm super excited to finally share with you how our little home office has turned out.
I've already showed you on this post  how it was looking when we started working on it.  As I mentioned there, the view of this room from the upstairs landing used to upset me quite a lot. Well, that's not the case anymore!

I can't stop myself from going in there to have a little look when I'm "in the area" and smiling from ear to ear. (Does anyone else experience this type of odd behaviour after a successful project? Please tell me this is normal and I'm not the only one!?)

Have you noticed the coving?. It's actually the polystyrene one: light and easy to put up. I'm working on a little tutorial for you soon. After coving the dining-room, living-room, hall and our bedroom, we can call ourselves "experts" in this art. I'm of the idea that coving makes a big difference in a boxy room. It softens up those sharp lines where wall and ceiling meet and, together with the skirting, they frame the walls.

This is a closer look at my lovely desk where I can lose myself in bloggy world.

If you follow me on Facebook, you might have probably noticed that one of those four white chairs I found in Gumtree a while ago has made its way to this room and it's sitting standing pretty in there.

All those bookcases that used to be in this wall have been moved to the opposite one.

We've painted that wall in Blue Diamond from Dulux. The rocking chair was another Gumtree find. One day  it will be part  of a nursery but until then hubby suggested keeping it here beside our books, CDs and the window.

Remember the four CD/ DVDs towers that used to add to the visual clutter? I'd like to say that I managed to persuade the Mister to go digital but as that didn't and quite likely won't happen any time soon, we managed to find the collection a new home: cheap Tesco's boxes alphabetically ordered for CDs...

... and DVDs ordered by genre.

This time I've done the labels myself. I'm more than happy to share, you just need to save them in your computer by right clicking the images below and selecting "Save image as". You can then insert them  in a word document, add some text boxes, print and that's it!.

There are a few other bits and pieces that we've done here and that I'll be also sharing with you in the next few weeks. There are also a few other things that remain to be done like hanging some curtains! I'll keep you updated with the progress.

What do you think then? I'm ridiculously happy about it. I've been spending quite some time in this room during the last couple of months. No more blogging in the dining-room for me!

Gaby x

Pssst:  I'm linking this post to these fabulous linky parties!


  1. Hola Gaby!!! Te quedó genial!!! Me encanta!
    Te aviso que voy a seguirte, tu blog me conquistó!

    besos con facturas!!


    1. Mica, gracias por tan lindo mensajito y por la visita!


  2. Qué bonita Gaby!! Y las etiquetas preciosas, quedan genial en las cajas.

    Me encanta que tu estilo es genial para que el marido no se queje jajaj, yo le llenaría la casa de cursiladas, y así como lo haces tú es bonito para nosotras y bonito para ellos!

    Y tu nuevo look del blog precioso también!!

    Besos mil!


    1. jaja después de leer tu comentario, me di cuenta que, sin planificarlo y de forma implícita, la pared con el escritorio es mi parte de la oficina y la otra pared con los libros y CDs es la de Simon! Al marido siempre hay que tenerlo contento :o)

      Me alegro que te haya gustado el nuevo look del blog. Viniendo de vos, me siento super halagada.


  3. Hola Gaby! me encanta tu estudio y las etiquetas son geniales!

    My CuteCakes

  4. Your home office looks great and love the labels.

  5. Hi Gaby! I am so happy that you found my blog and left a comment so I was able to discover yours. Your office looks amazing! It's so crisp and fresh - I love the white furniture and that aqua wall. And those printables are fab!! Love it girl! Following you :)

    1. Thanks Chelsea! The labels ended up being an alternative solution to the lack of bookplates on the boxes.

      Gaby x

  6. Amazing, Gaby, beautifully styled and photographed. It must be a joy to blog in there! Love your organised boxes and labels too, well done, Antonia x

    1. Thanks Ant! I've recently started using my camera in manual mode and I'm quite impress with it! It's not as scary as I thought it'd be!

  7. Hola Gaby, vengo de la fiesta de enlaces, me encanta el color de la pared del escritorio, contrasta muy bien con el blanco de la estantería y mesa, bueno, me encanta todo en general. Un besico.

    1. Gracias Tatiana! Esta es la segunda habitación que pintamos de gris y concuerdo con vos que resalta todos los blancos!

  8. So pretty and full of light. Love this space.

  9. Wow, what a gorgeous office! I love the neutral colors!

    1. Thanks Jessi! I'm not really brave with colours so I tend to go neutral and add colour with accesories. If I change my mind, they are easier to replace than furniture and paint!

      Gaby x

  10. so pretty! this is giving me the push to get my craft/office space finished!! it's started but I haven't had time to work on it and I am so itching to have it finished!

  11. Hi Gaby, Thank you for visiting my blog Inspirations by D. I enjoyed your visit and let me just say, I have enjoyed your blog. Love the new room. I am loving your wall color and art work as well. Where did you get the book cases beside the desk? Like them a lot.

    1. Hi D, the bookcases are the Expedit ones from Ikea. You can also get inserts for them. I've got two drawers and the inserts with plain doors.

      Gaby x

  12. SUPER jealous of this awesome space! Love those labels, too!


  13. Such a fabulous office space! I'm thrilled to know about your blog Gaby!!! XO, Aimee

    1. Aimee thanks for your comment and for your photography series! I followed each and everyone of your posts and that gave me the courage and knowledge to start using my camera in manual mode! There is no way back to automatic for this girl! :)

  14. You have got to be kidding me - oh man, this is GORGEOUS!! Seriously, I would just go and sit and smile my head off in that room all day. One day, my future office will look like that.

    1. Thanks Rachel! You made me blush and smile at the same time! :)

  15. Wow, the pictures look like from a magazine! BEAUTIFUL! What a transformation, I love it all, the colors, the moldings, the chair, your style rocks! Gracias por tu visita a mi blog, estoy encantada de seguirte!

  16. What a wonderful space. It's so calming. It's the perfect place to be productive. I really love the labels as well. Thank you so much for sharing!

  17. WOW! what a stunning space. I love everything about it. If you get a chance, please share this on my sunday linky party (starts sat 6pm) http://suburbsmama.blogspot.com/

  18. Que bonito y ordenado está todo.

  19. Your office turned out beautifully! I love the colors and how the CDs are organized. Those labels are cute! I am loving your blog - I'd be thrilled if you linked up this and any other frugal projects with us at Living Well Spending Less! http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/category/thrifty-thursday

  20. Gosh this is stunning! Very envious. Lovely blog too.

  21. Girl, you have it going on! LOVE LOVE LOVE! So happy, bright and beautiful! Love all the details and the simplicity.

    If you are interested in being featured in an upcoming Reader Space, I would be honored to have you and your awesomeness! Just pop over an email to iheartorganizing@gmail.com and I will get you all the details.

    Thanks doll!


    1. ahhhh thanks Jen! I'm sending you an e-mail right now! ;o)

  22. Gaby - your office is so beautiful and bright. I love those little window pictures above the desk....and the CD labelling/organizing...brilliant. My CDs were overflowing and I couldn't figure out what to do with them so I just chucked them all. Now I am SO wishing that I would have bought boxes like yours! Awesome job.

  23. What color did you use for the light gray walls? I love it.

    1. Hi Patty, the colour is Dulux mixing paint Grey Steel 2. We've got the Endurance finish.

      Gaby x

  24. I love how calming and relaxing it looks. I also love how organized it is as well. I need to do some way-over-due organizing myself and your office is very inspirational :)

  25. que bella decoracion!!
    visite mi blog tambien!
    un abrazo!!

  26. Hola Gabi, recién descubro tu blog, adoré la renovación de este espacio, envidio la organización de los cd's y dvd's, muy buen trabajo! Te sigo, besos!

  27. Beautiful space! Where did you get your desk? I love it!

    1. Hi Heather, the desk is from Ikea. The cheapest legs and top they had available! :)

  28. So I love what you've done. Question for you, how did you stick the labels to the boxes for the CD's? What did you use? Also, I couldn't tell from your post even though you kind of said it, I don't think I understood, but where can I get those same boxes that you got for the CD's and DVD's?

    1. The boxes are from Tesco (a UK supermarket- not sure where you are from :). I printed the labels out on Avery Shipping Labels L7169 paper. These are the ones that come with 4 big adhesive labels per each A4 sheet. Does that help? I'll try to get some pictures this afternoon and post them in Facebook for you.

    2. No, that helps a lot! Thank you so much!

  29. Your office looks amazing! Great choice of colours - the grey and blue walls compliment eachother beautifully.

    Loving your labels too - I am in a chevron phase at the moment - and I am a big Ikea fan as well.

    Great job!


    1. Thanks Birgitte! I love Ikea. Luckly it's two and a half hours away from home (if it were closer I would probably live in one of their mock rooms! :)

  30. Gaby-
    This office is just beautiful! I love the colors (especially the dark aqua/teal wall). I'm sure it feels great to have such an organized space now. Great job!


    1. Thanks Amy! I have to admit that the teal wall was hubby's idea (if I don't give him credit for this he won't be happy!) ;)

  31. I've just discovered your blog from iheartorganizing. Your office looks amazing & it's so great to discover a UK organizing blog.


    1. Thanks por poping by Carol. I also get excited when I discover a UK blog and I can relate to shops, places and prices!

  32. Hi, I am new to your blog - I came here from I Heart Organising - and today I downloaded the labels , resized them to fit my Martha Stewart boxes and now they are looking great in my craft room. Thank you! Your new office looks fabulous :) I have subscribed to your blog, very good to know of an English take on things.


    1. Ahhh Penny, I would love to see your boxes! Do you have any pictures? ?

  33. Hi Gaby, I emailed you some photos last week!

  34. Gaby, this is so gorgeous! I remember seeing your printable labels/boxes featured on Iheartorganizing I think! Way to go...such a happy, organized space to work! Now, it's MY turn to be jealous! ;) (P.S. super excited to have stumbled across another UK blogger!!)

  35. Hello, just found your blog, I love your style, so light and airy - love the blue feature wall - great way to add colour and contrast. Beautifully photographed :o)

  36. Precioso lugar de trabajo. Calmado, tranquilo y sobretodo lindo.

    | Harmony and design |

  37. Hello copying your ideas for my home office, hope you dont mind.

  38. You just made it awesome! Such kind of interior designing and decoration let you work in a very organized and fresh environment. I have shared your post to the office management, trying to change the organizational structure. Thank you for sharing some really fabulous ideas to bring perfect interior designing and decoration of home office.

  39. Ciao.. you have given me inspiration to redecorate my office and have to tackle my son's room. Did you get the desk and filing cabinet/drawers at IKEA too?


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