
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Did you know that in Argentina we have a set date when all Christmas decorations go up and one for when they need to go back to the loft again? Those days are the 8th of December and the 6th of January. On the night of the 5th of January, children leave their shoes beside their Christmas tree. They also leave some carrots and grass for the three Kings' camels. The Kings will come during the night and bring them presents in their shoes! I need to investigate what the origins of this shoes business are. I have no idea!

Meanwhile, in Scotland you start seeing Christmas stuff in the supermarket the day after Halloween and adverts with jingle bells as early as the beginning of November. You can start seeing some trees and decorations in some houses shortly after that!

Here at number eight, we tend to go with the 8th of December (the eight on eight :) but last night (3rd of December), I felt the necessity to get started. It was cold and snowy outside. I went to the garage to get the decorations that we stored there. Mr. Hubby got up the ladder to get the tree from the loft (he must really love me to put up with these crazy impulses of mine!). After all the boxes were spread all over the living-room, I got the wreath up on the door and my colourful Santa standing in the hall, guarding the cloakroom door (I couldn't find any other place!). I was exhausted already so I called it a day. I'll go back to it tonight, but in the meantime I'll leave you with a sneak peak of our colour scheme for this year.

If you are wondering then yes, that white stuff on the ground outside is indeed snow. We've been having quite a bit of that around here recently but look at the photo below, I took it on my way to work this morning. I feel really lucky to see these landscapes everyday; changing colours throughout the year. Isn't Scotland beautiful? You should come and visit us!

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© life in eightMaira Gall