
Perfumes Organisation Idea

I have had this nice frame with deep edges for about a year now. It was a present from my cousin (gracias Juani!).

If we had a camera in our house -Big Brother style-, you would have seen me on several occasions going around, frame in hand, trying to find a place for it to live. I knew this frame deserved something better than sitting full of dust on a Billy bookcase shelf in our office. The office... (sigh) let's better not mention that forgotten room.

On the other hand, I was finding it increasingly annoying knocking down our perfume bottles every time that I was trying to reach the sweaters that were sitting right behind them at the back of this deep shelf we have in our bedroom. (My issues with shelves seem to be a repeating pattern here! :o).

One day, the little lightbulb in my head went off. All this time I'd been trying this frame in the wrong direction! Why did it never occur to me to put it horizontally somewhere? That frame could be converted into a tray and it could hold all our perfume bottles. So I replaced the picture with a sample of wallpaper that we got from Homebase when we were considering wallpapering the main wall in our bedroom. Then came the perfume bottles and then came a big smile on the face of yours truly. The same grin I get every time I look at it!

Doesn't it look lovely? The best thing is, because the tray with the perfumes looks so pretty I can have it sitting in the alcove we have in our bedroom. I always struggle finding accessories to decorate that alcove. It's like if only a mirror and a vase with flowers would look good in there, but this frame tray feels like it was meant to be a tray and go there.

So that's one item that now serves a functional and decorative purpose. Do you have things in your house that you are using in a different way to what they were originally intended?


  1. Gaby
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© life in eightMaira Gall