
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

If you've been around recently, you might have noticed in my Christmas decorations post here, that I have replaced the three framed photographs we usually have in our dining-room for some seasonal artwork. Idea surge, internal brainstorming and materialisation all happened on Sunday morning while having breakfast in this room.

(Can you spot the "photographer" in the above picture?)

Some wrapping paper, some white paper (the type you would normally use with your printer), a few tools and we were ready to go (I mean I was).

I considered looking in Poundland or similar shops for some snowflakes but I wasn't prepared to wait until going out and I couldn't justify spending any money on something I could do myself. So the next step was searching the marvellous web looking for a snowflake template and I found the perfect one at this website.  The template I've used is the one called Classic_Snowflake. At the bottom of that same page you will find step-by-step instructions to cut them out.

The most exciting part for me was the unfolding! 

I put some double-sided tape on the back of the snowflake (the one with the dashed lines).

After that, I cut the wrapping paper to the size of my frames, attached the snowflakes to the centre, fitted them into the frames and... ta-da! Three lovely colourful frames = one happy girl! So much so, that I had a go at taking an arty-farty photo shoot of them that ended up upsetting me (I couldn't get the three frames in the mirror without appearing on it myself!)

Would you give this idea a try? Obviously you could change the background to suit your colour scheme. It would even look nice with burlap or brown paper. I've done one for you... just to show you :o)

What about having more than one snowflake? Different sizes perhaps? I might have a go at that next year, for now I'm happy just as they are although I'm still not entirely happy with not getting all of them in the mirror photo... :-)


  1. Loving your non “arty farty“ photos lol ! PS loving your mirror would love to know where you got it ?

    1. Hi Louise! We got the mirror a couple of years ago in B&Q but I've noticed that it's still available on their website: http://www.diy.com/nav/decor/art-mirrors-frames/mirrors/round_mirror/Colours-Large-Mosaic-Clear-Mirror-80cm-12388846?skuId=12909552
      Gaby X

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Sarah! I like them very much so I've been thinking in replacing the snowflakes with some origami to have in those frames once the festive season is over... We'll see. I might end up going back to the purple flowers photographs!


© life in eightMaira Gall