
Let's get started!

Thank you ever so much for stopping by and taking the time to read this, my first post. I'm really, really, really (I can't emphasize it enough!) really excited to start this new adventure. But how rude I am that I have yet to introduce myself!. I'm Gaby, Argentinian/ Italian (and a little bit British now) obsessed, compulsive and almost fearless DIYer, decorator and organizer of this little world that is our home and that I have the pleasure to share with my adorable hubby . (My Goodness! I'm going all crazy using cute adjectives and this is only the first paragraph of the blog!). Never mind, the "bubble" (as we call our house) is in beautiful Scotland. 

Why I've decided to start blogging? A few months ago a whole new universe appeared right in front of my eyes in the shape of a blog about home organizing and decorating. What a revelation!. How life changing!!. I'm not exaggerating I promise you. That blog opened the doors to other blogs about the similar subjects and also to Pinterest, Olioboard, and lots more wonderful things. I always enjoyed making my house prettier and more functional but this was taking things to a totally different level. I felt so deeply motivated and inspired that I was even moved to redecorate and re-organize my whole house and to start my own little bit of cyberspace.

I have yet to fully start this re-decorating and re-organizing spree so I thought that I could use this blog as a way of documenting and sharing this transformation. I'm ready to leave the beige house behind and go a little more adventurous. I'm ready to start looking for new ways of making our everyday life easier by organizing and arranging things in a different way. It's time to put all that inspiration to good use and, as we say in Spanish, to put hands to work (manos a la obra!).
I would feel ridiculously grateful and flattered if you were to want to get in touch with me and let me know your thoughts about my blog and projects.  You can do so using any of the means available at the top right hand of this page.

I'll be back soon with a few small "making everyday life easier" little projects and a big master-bedroom makeover reveal. Stay tuned... :O)

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© life in eightMaira Gall