
Free 2016 Weekly Planner - FAQ's

Are you hoping to start 2016 more organised than ever before? I do! That's why I put together this weekly planner printable for you to download for free. It's a simple planner. There is no fuzz, just the sections you'll need. Nothing more, nothing less. Do you want to know what's inside this 137-page beauty? Shall I take you for a tour then?

First page you'll find is a 2016 Calendar followed by a quote: "There is beauty in Simplicity" and "simplicity" my friends is my word for 2016. I'm on a mission to simplify my life; get rid of unnecessary physical and emotional clutter. That's why this phrase it's there, to remind me of this big goal for this new year.

After that you'll find a monthly spread to jot down all those big events. There is also a notes section.

Followed by a weekly spread. This is where you'll go into more detail. There are spaces for schedule or notes, to-do list and dinner. I'll be filling up this last section every Saturday morning before we go for our weekly food shopping; that way I'll need exactly what I need to get from the supermarket.

And finally there is a super pretty cover and back :)

The planner has been designed in A4 size but it can be printed out in the American Letter size by simply selecting the option "Fit to page" from your printer's menu.

So you can get my planner totally free by clicking in the link below and signing up to my newsletter where I'll keep you up- to date with future releases of the planner, additional pages and news from the Life in Eight household.

I hope you absolutely love your planner and helps you to keep on track in the new year.

I'd love to see your planners hard at work so please feel free to share your photos of them in social media using the hashtag #li8planner and don't forget to tag me :)



  1. First of all this is beautifully put together and I've also made my own. Your design is professional and very clean. Thank you for giving it away for free,

  2. this is a lovely printable resource. I no longer use paper diaries or planners though - I prefer my phone because it's with me all the time

    1. Completely understand what you mean. My phone has everything in. I still love my cork boards for holding lists though. http://www.scribbledirect.com/

  3. This is so lovely and so handy, thank you so much for sharing this x

  4. I use both online planers and a paper diary. I do feel a paper one is so much handier, however online planner is better to use for a planner than a diary. I love this design though. it looks fab!

  5. Lovely planner, I really need to get into this, I plan nothing and then I'm constantly asking my husband where he is going to be for work each day! I must print this out, its fab!

  6. What a pretty planner! I really need to get more organised with my blogging next year.

  7. What a great idea. I always hate getting new planners as they're always full of pages that I don't need. I love the front cover on this one. So colourful x


© 2025 life in eightMaira Gall